Znak SM International  Association  in  the  Czech  Republic

The Supreme Master Ching Hai
Znak SM

Contacts and information

+420-775 173 483 Czech, English (cell phone)
+421-903 100 216 Slovak, English (cell phone)

The email contacts and websites

We apologize for this way of posting the addresses, it is due to the Spam reason

Email: Only for communication in English  
As title please put "Meditation "
em04.gif(1 kb)
WWW: site The Supreme Master Ching Hai https://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/en2/
WWW: The Czech websites http://www.spojenisbohem.cz
WWW: The Slovak websites http://www.spojeniesbohom.sk
WWW: This websites http://godsdirectcontact.cz

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Last update
18.04.2021, 23:03